a leading player in the performance graphics market
is back from something of a hiatus with a killer --
the Mystique G200. A wonderful 2D/3D piece not
lacking in performance nor features -- the G200 is
in the footsteps of previous offerings from Matrox,
the G200 is a single chip solution with exceptional
video capabilities and second - to - none 2D
performance. However, the addition of an impressive
32-bit 3D pipeline is the prime feature of this new
chip. With support for standard API's such as
Direct3D, OpenGL (currently through a Direct3D
wrapper) and DirectDraw and with optimized GDI
drivers for Windows 95 / 98 and NT the G200 sets
out to accelerate just about everything you
either 8 or 16Mb of SDRAM the G200 offers
incredible 2D and 3D resolutions and the
high-performance 230Mhz RAMDAC ensures rock steady
images at high refresh rates regardless of
resolution. 2D performance is, as mentioned, superb
-- moving windows, scrolling, resizing and all the
other standard Windows actions are smooth as silk
and leaves nothing more to desire. DirectDraw
performance is also amazing, playing one of the
more demanding DirectDraw titles available:
platformer Jazz Jackrabbit 2 in 640 x 480 @ 16-bit
was very smooth and noticeably better than on
competing i740 and RIVA128 based boards. Even DOS
performance is very good, offering full VESA 2.0
support and exceptional image clarity.
resolutions on the G200 ranges from standard VGA
modes all the way up to 1800 x 1440 @ 24bpp or 1600
x 1200 @ 32bpp on both the 8 and 16Mb versions and
will satisfy even the most demanding professional
users. High-resolution 3D support is also a strong
point, offering resolutions up to 1024 x 768 @
32bpp on an 8Mb board with 32-bit Z-buffering or up
to 1600 x 1200 @ 32bpp on a 16Mb board.
the G200 is built from the ground up as an AGP 2X
adapter it utilizes sideband addressing and AGP
execute mode for optimal performance and offers
full AGP texturing support -- no 2 or 4Mb limits
here in other words. With high-resolution textures
you can accomplish visuals far more stunning than
on older boards (now let's just hope developers
catch on the AGP trend). Image quality on the G200
is truly amazing, superb color saturation, 32-bit
Z-buffering, support for 32-bit rendering at
high-resolutions and a solid 3D feature set all
come together to offer some of the best 3D images
ever rendered on a PC monitor in real
like anti-aliasing, tri-linear filtering and full
multi-texturing support for special effects like
bump-mapping and advanced lighting effects coupled
with a raw fillrate performance of 100Mpps and a
triangle throughput of over 1 million triangles per
second ensure not only crisp visuals but also
high-performance. Benchmarking Forsaken at 1024 x
768 at a very playable 37.5 fps hints the
exceptional performance of the G200 -- other titles
such as G-police, Jedi Knight, RedLine Racer and
bundled titles Incoming, Motorhead and Tonic
Trouble really show off the hardware's
capabilities, especially when running at
resolutions in excess of 1024 x 768 without
dropping frames. Synthetic benchmarks like Wizmark
and ZDbops 3D Winbench also prove the G200's
one thing sadly missing from the boards' repetoire
at the moment is a reliable ICD for OpenGL which is
currently in development and expected in the coming
month or so. Performance with the Direct3D wrapper
is still not bad and should keep you relatively
happy until the ICD is released. Windowed rendering
is of course supported for more serious stuff like
accelerated VRML and 3D modelling / CAD
applications. This will be a strong feature once
the ICD is out and the 32-bit Z-buffer will really
make a difference in demanding 3D development
Mystique G200 also comes with an exceptional TV-out
feature offering desktop / game resolutions all the
way up to 1024 x 768 on your TV. Matrox's drivers
makes configuring the board for best TV output a
breeze and I must admit that 1024 x 768 on a big
29" TV really is something else.
the retail pack Matrox includes a few titles to get
you started, the mandatory and visually very
pleasing Incoming (from Rage Software) is included
as is Tonic Trouble (from UbiSoft) and Motorhead
from Swedish developers Digital Illusions. All of
these titles offer 24- or 32-bit rendering for
enhanced visual quality on the G200 and they all
play rather nicely at 1024 x 768 on the P2-400Mhz
test system; even on a somewhat slower CPU like a
P2-266 performance was very good. Tonic Trouble
really show what Matrox's VCQ technology can mean
for a title's appearence. I've never seen colors
this good in a 3D title, it's far away from the
somewhat washed out colors you get with some
competing boards.
after all these raves you're probably wondering if
there's nothing bad about the G200. Well, there
really isn't. Sure, it doesn't offer the same
performance as a Voodoo2 (but it's damn close) and
it's not as cheap as some i740 boards out there
(but these are too slow to be comparable to the
G200) but priced at just $149 for the 8Mb version
w/ TV-out and three very nice titles in the bundle,
offering Millenium II class 2D and damn close to
Voodoo2 class 3D, the G200 is a VERY attractive
purchase and literally extinguishes all competing
products in the 2D / 3D arena (If 8Mb won't cut it
you can pick up another 8Mb for around