Labs 3D Blaster GeForce256
7th of September, filled with high hopes. Today was
the day that Creative Labs would give us the first
glimpse of their 3D Blaster GeForce256, or
"Annihilator" (in the US). Prior to this day, all
sorts of information on the GeForce256 have been
appearing on the web. There were many speculations
going on and even some rumors. Creative Labs set
out to show us just what the GeForce256 was all
about, its ups and its flaws. In the following
feature we will present exactly what we saw at the
Creative Labs GeForce256 Press event!
the Experience
the beat of Jimi Hendrix' 'Experience' the entire
Scandinavian computer press lobby got introduced to
Creative Labs' latest slogan - Live the experience.
A few minutes of 'rad' video clips, and the press
event could begin.
there knew pretty much what they wanted to see,
but, as always with corporate events, there were a
couple of minutes of pep-talk from the marketing
team assuring us that Creative Labs rocks. With the
smell of the GeForce 256 in the air we were quite
excited, so demonstrations of less 'important'
products caught our attention pretty well too.
Anyway, let's skip the irrelevant babble and get
down to the wares.
everyone and their grandma now know, nVIDIA
uncovered something they called a revolutionary
(rather than evolutionary) step in computer
graphics, by releasing their GeForce 256 processor.
Originally called NV10, the processor had been
rumored to incorporate all kinds of mad features,
but the key specs people were interested of were
high fill rates and most importantly, on board
T&L (polygon transformation and lighting).
Easily put, T&L moves all the polygon
transformation and lighting calculation from the
computers CPU, to the graphics processor (or GPU-
Graphics Processing Unit), making computer 3D
graphics something rather processor independent (an
upside down situation to what we had until
this sense, it's true, the chip is a revolution,
and we can tell you this, nothing we saw at the
show hinted at anything else...
Does it stop there? Do we look like fools? Read on
for pageloads of GEForce 256, and some focus (well
okay, loads of it) on Creative Labs' GEForce 256
based card!
the introduction of nVidia's GeForce256 "GPU",
Transform & Lighting (T&L) have now been
moved on-chip. No longer do we require the CPU to
do T&L calculations prior to rendering a scene.
Basically, transformation & lighting use a lot
of CPU power and this of course will slow down
performance (on polygon intensive
GeForce256, the chip does all T&L calculations
itself, thus rendering a fast CPU useless for
gameplay. This has set a new standard with 3D
gaming as we see it, no longer will you have to use
the latest CPU in order to get fast framerates. The
downside of this is that when you now decide to
upgrade your CPU, say from a PII 400 to a PIII-550,
you will not see a large performance shift, rather,
it is your GeForce256 that will set the limit,
upgrading a CPU won't affect end
how much CPU power is freed now that T&L is
moved onboard? We asked that very same question and
Creative Labs confirmed that roughly 20 - 50% of
CPU time can be given back, highly depending on the
application in question. They also said that 50%
maybe was a very optimistic number, but 20% should
be expected when dealing with games. Not bad at
all, you get 20% of you CPU power back which can be
used to perform other tasks such as physics,
inverse kinematics, sophisticated artificial
intelligence etc. This mean that game developers
now have more CPU time to play with when doing
their computer AI in games, and you thought Quake2
enemies were stupid because they're programmed
badly. ;)
Lighting Engine
lighting engine is similar to the transform engine
because it has a set of mathematical functions that
it must perform. The GeForce256 have separate
transform and lighting engines, this way each
engine can run at maximum efficiency. Without these
engines, the transform performance would be limited
by having to share compute time with the lighting
lighting engine task is to calculate distance
vectors from light sources to objects in the 3D
scene as well as distance vectors from objects to
the viewer's eyes. A vector contains information
about direction and distance. The engine must also
separate the distance information from the
direction information as that simplifies future
steps in the 3D pipeline. Lighting calculations are
mainly used for vertex lighting, but they are also
used for other effects such as advanced fog
effects, which are based on the eye-to-object
distance rather than just the Z-value of the
We Want Integrated T&L Engines on a Graphics
transform and lighting engines integrated into one
chip are necessary for graphics processors to
increase the user experience and are absolutely
necessary for graphics processors to continue to
advance the user experience. 3D graphics
performance have grown rapidly over the past years,
with primary emphasis on the pixel fill rate and
texture mapping capabilities. This gave gamers fast
frame rates but left the task of geometry transform
and lighting calculations for the CPU to do.
Advances in 3D scene complexity and object detail
will move slow as long as the T&L calculations
are done by the CPU as CPUs double in speed every
18 months or so while graphics processors advance
much more than that during the same period of time.
Geometry processing (T&L) performance is now
become the most important barrier to break in order
to get more sophisticated 3D graphics on a typical
PC. With the GeForce256, nVidia presents the first
graphics chip that has T&L integrated inside
the chip itself, thus freeing the CPU and breaks
the geometry performance bottleneck.