always remember the first time I played the
original Wing Commander as my own little gaming
Renaissance. After cutting my teeth on early
adventure games by Infocom and Sierra, I had gone
through a period in which I kind of lost interest
in PC games. When I booted up Wing Commander,
however, I was hooked once again. Never had a game
captured so well the essence of cinematic space
dogfighting that I'd loved in Star Wars and
Battlestar Galactica (what can I say? I'm a child
of the 80's), and I couldn't help falling in love
with the genre despite its obvious inconsistencies
in terms of realism. I hungrily snapped up every
Wing Commander sequel as soon as it hit store
shelves, and was about as die-hard a fanatic for
that series as is possible. I was convinced that no
one else would ever create a space combat
simulation that would surpass Origin's
belief was put stridently to the test last year
when Volition released Descent: Freespace. Here was
a graphically rich, action-packed outer space romp
that equaled -- and perhaps even surpassed -- the
latest Wing Commander offering in terms of visceral
thrill and joystick-wrenching combat. It lagged
behind in some areas (most noticeably in the shell
of a story that was, in truth, a bit drab), and had
a few problems, but Freespace had enough going for
it in the gameplay department to grab my attention
and that of the gaming industry. Now, Volition and
Interplay are preparing to follow up Freespace's
success with the inevitable sequel, Freespace 2.
They've dropped the Descent moniker (which really
didn't make that much sense in the first place),
but retained the original's engine, albeit with a
slew of new features and changes. Most importantly,
Freespace 2 looks to be a much more well-rounded
game, offering the in-your-face action of its
predecessor while increasing the depth and giving
the whole kit-and-kaboodle a greater sense of
purpose. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a
playable alpha, and I have to say that, if it's
able to live up to the potential I witnessed,
Freespace 2 may just have what it takes to stand
out in an increasingly crowded category.
things first. Those who were let down by
Freespace's lack of a compelling narrative can
expect things to be much meatier this time around.
To make sure that this was the case and allow the
design team to focus more fully on gameplay, the
team at Volition brought on a writer whose only job
was to create a storyline substantial enough to
draw the player in and make them care about what
they're doing. And it goes a little something like
this: It is 32 years after the Great War depicted
in Freespace. The tenuous alliance between the
formerly warring Terran and Vasudan races, formed
to battle the seemingly insurmountable threat of
the invading Shivans, still holds. The Terran
fleets, however, have been cut off from their
homeworld by the destruction of the jump node
leading to our solar system (which, you may recall,
took place in the last game's final battle),
leaving them unable to contact Earth. As Freespace
2 begins, a rebellious faction within the Terran
military has been causing no end of trouble,
violating treaties and acting all unfriendly toward
the Vasudans. As this disturbance threatens to
shake the very foundation of the Terran-Vasudan
alliance, our old friends, the Shivans, appear once
again on the scene, rearmed and poised for
conquest. Doesn't sound that complicated, right?
But expect to see all sorts of twist and turns,
including intra-fleet double-crosses and mysterious
underhanded dealings.
2, like its predecessor, will make use of
between-mission cutscenes to help move its story
along. This time around, however, Volition is
upping the ante by including scripted events and
plot progression within the missions themselves.
The preliminary intelligence you're given prior to
launching may be completely different from what you
actually find out there in the blackness of space.
Objectives and orders may be completely altered
mid-mission, a fact that constantly keeps you on
your toes and is aimed at eliminating the kind of
"fly here, shoot enemies, fly home" monotony to
which titles of this type often fall prey. Even in
the early missions, you can never be quite sure
whether it will be possible to complete the primary
objectives outlined for you during your mission
briefing, or whether you're actually intended to do
so. It may seem a bit confusing at first, but I
found it a nice touch that really makes you feel
like you are the pilot (with all his or her
informational limitations) rather than someone
sitting at a computer, playing a game. There are
more than 30 missions in Freespace 2's
single-player campaign, some of which can be
divided into multiple parts and/or contain multiple
primary and secondary objectives.